Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tanesha Awasthi

If this woman doesn't have it all going on, then nobody does. Apparently perfect in every particular, she must be the most attractive woman to walk the planet. How she is not making one trillion dollars a year as a fashion model is a true mystery to me. I'm an atheist, but if she started a religion centered on worshiping her beauty, I'd probably join up.


Also also:

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Near Perfection

Photographer Nadav Kander has captured as nearly perfect a specimen of womanhood as one is likely to find:

You can see more of his work here. Scroll down to see a larger version of Isley. I'd love to see her face.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Actress Sharon Morris

I could sit and look at this woman all day long:


Also also: